Image courtesy of Daniel Sandler Cosmetics
While I was living in London I fell head over heels in friend-love with make up artist Daniel Sandler. Not only is he ridiculously talented, he makes every woman he touches look and feel beautiful and I haven't met a more humble and gentle person since.
Usually when I have my make up done I smile politely, go straight to the nearest bathroom and wipe it all off before anyone else can see me. I want to look like a strategically, cleverly enhanced version of myself, not like Estee Lauder threw up on my face (sorry - the drama queen escapes when it comes to bad make up experiences). I digress.
Daniel and I worked together in the early days of his make up line 'Daniel Sandler Cosmetics' and I somehow found myself modeling for him, a terrifying thought given that I am still traumatised by the school portrait experience. We made it through the shoot, and surprisingly there were a couple of halfway decent shots, but the best thing was the discovery that I can wear red lipstick! Daniel matched me to one of his lippies, called 'Temptress' and I have worn it in some shape or form every day since - yes, even while I was in labour.
Some days I slather it on it, other days I smudge just a smidge to get that 'bitten' look. I even blend a dot or two on my cheeks instead of blush (apparently a very easy way to get a cohesive make up look - I thought I was just being cost effective!) Regardless, I have probably consumed more than a dozen tubes.
When I left London in 2008, I bought six tubes of Temptress and assumed that by the time I had used them all up I would be over my obsession and onto a new 'signature'. I was wrong. Just this morning I used a bobby pin to scrape the last of my last tube and was moved to tears. Not only did it signify the end of my 'Temptress' days, it felt like I was saying goodbye to my years in London too.
I have decided to be brave and dabble in something new, but chances are it won't be long before I'm back in red lips.
What about you, dear readers? What favourite item have you said goodbye to before you were ready?
I was once given a beautiful perfume by a lovely person, who shall remain nameless. Herve Leger, it was my signature scent. Alas, it ran out a long time ago. I have tried to find something with similar notes, but it's just not the same. One day I will find it and buy 20 bottles to make sure that I never run out again!!
Oh Laura - we must find you that perfume! Hopefully someone will bring a bottle back from London for you x
Oh this is such an incredibly beautiful image Erica! Megan
I was just telling someone I felt I didn't learn much about make-up from my mum growing up as she has been wearing the same colour lipstick for years. After reading your post I'm now going to think of it instead as her signature colour ; )
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